Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Fives!

Just Me and My Life

It's Friday!!! What a week it's been! This week's Friday Fives are five questions-enjoy!

1. Are you a MAC or a PC??? I am a PC, never have liked MACs but I think they look really cool!

2. If you could go anywhere on vacation this summer where would you go?? I would go somewhere I have never been before! I would love to go to explore more of California (I've only ever been to the Pasadena/LA area.

3. Which is your most cherished childhood memory? Christmases spent with my mom's side of the family including my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and of course my own family! I'll never forget those days, ever!!! They were some of the BEST!

4. What were you doing the last time that you had a good laugh? I was laughing at this precious little 1st grader who had the most hilarious facial expressions EVER when she read her book she wrote to my students today. Oh my gosh-she was the funniest thing!!!

5. What is your favorite book or magazine?
I love People Magazine. Oh I just love it!! It's such a good magazine and I think it's one of the most credible magazines too, considering all of the celebrity gossip. It also has really neat articles on different things that I easily get hooked into!

I hope you have a wonderful 3-day weekend!!! :)


Cintia Listenbee said...

cute blog! enjoyed your friday 5s!

Shelly said...

One of my favorite's is family christmases, too!