Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Tacky!

So tonight, Dayna and I were at the Lakeland Mall eating dinner in the food court. It was about to close, so not a whole lot of people were there, but right above us was a couple eating their dinner. Kids were playing in the "Kid Area" next to all of the chairs where people sit to eat. Well, all of a sudden, the woman above us yells "SHUTUP" loudly, making known that she is annoyed by the sound of the kids playing. She gets up and throws her things away, and I think she catches my eye and the disgusted look I have on my face at her socially inappropriate and immature behavior. Not to mention, I doubt the kids heard her-as she was sitting opposite from where they were playing. The food court is NEXT to the kid's play area, like what did she expect? And even still, to yell shutup is just SOOOO tacky, immature, inappropriate, childish...and so many other words! I mean, first of all, that is how young children respond to having fun- making noise, but not thinking twice about how loud they might be. And second of all, this is a M-A-L-L, not some fine, 5-star restaurant with candle-lit dinners!

Get a grip, lady and loosen up! I'm just astounded as to the way some people act!

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