Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Years Ago...

...I graduated from high school. It's crazy for me to think that was 5 years ago!! I'm starting to feel old but I know I'm not! Ha!

I remember that day so vividly. I couldn't wait to graduate. I was so over high school and all of the drama and that kind of thing-it just seemed to be so widespread and I was just ready to move on. My whole mom's side of my family was there and that meant a lot to me. However, my grandparents were both really sick at that point and my grandma had been released from the hospital on the day of my graduation, so it was best that she stayed home. I went over to their house afterward to get a picture with them in my cap and gown. My grandparents did come to my graduation party the next day, and I have a picture of the three of us in a frame from that day; some of my last months spent with them, as they both passed away my first year of college.

Oh how I miss them greatly.

I don't have many pictures on this computer of my graduation, but I'll share the few I do have just for fun. 5 years ago...time is flying!

Me with my parents

The morning after my graduation, my friend Jackie and I sang our graduation song at church.

Anyway, just thought I'd share the anniversary of today!

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