Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Not So Wordless Wednesday

I've got pictures to document today, but I don't want this post to be wordless. So, I'm calling it the "Not So Wordless Wednesday."

Please excuse the unenthusiastic look on my face-I'm super tired and woke up at 7:17 today (supposed to LEAVE by 7:15!) so I don't have my normal make-up on and I think it just makes me look homely! Ha! I should look more excited about baking peanut butter cookies!

Rolling the peanut butter balls in sugar

Ready to go in the oven! They taste delicious; I've already had a few tonight! :)

So this coming Monday is the 5th Grade Awards Ceremony at my school. I really wanted the students to have a special invitation since it's their last hoorah of elementary school. So I decided to make them some fun, colorful, luau-themed invitations. It just so happens that I enjoy crafty stuff like this so it works out. In the neighborhood of our school and the kinds of homes these kids come from-they aren't made to feel special very often. I really want them to feel special at this time of year-it's an exciting time for them!!

The end of the school year is SO close and grades were due today, so I'm kind of at a loss right now as to what to do with the kids all day! Ha! I know that sounds terrible, but I know it's also part of being a new teacher. I've got to gain more experience at this time of year so that I know how to "keep" the kids 'til the end! Especially as 5th graders, they're basically checked out mentally already and it makes sense. Tomorrow I'm letting them practice the words for our spelling bee in shaving cream which they're excited about! (I am too-it's a good way to clean their dirty desks! Ha!) They will also be nominating each other for Notable Awards and I know they'll have fun with that. I'm excited to make their awards! I'm gonna work on them this weekend. I know next year at this time, I'll know a lot better of what to do until the last day. For now...we're winding down and no one is gonna stop us! :)

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