Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Five!

Just Me and My Life

Today at Friday Fives, the theme is five people you would choose to have lunch with if you had the opportunity, both deceased and alive! Here are my choices:

1. Julia Roberts-she doesn't seem to be Hollywood trash. I think she's a wonderful actress and just simply beautiful!

2. Princess Diana-even though she died when I was much younger, I admired all that she did for less fortunate people and she was just so classy! It's sad that she died so young.

3. Selah, the music group. I absolutely LOVE their music and would love to see them in concert someday!

4. Rosa Parks-I think it would be so cool to talk to her and hear a personal account of her struggles and the challenges she faced in taking a stand against slavery!

5. Michelle Duggar-I would have so many questions for her! I really wonder how she does it! I love kids, but 19 is A LOT!

And there you have it! What 5 people would you choose to eat lunch with if you had the opportunity?


Beth McC. said...

Love your list!! You picked some great people. I would love to meet Michelle Duggar too, she intriques me!

Thanks for doing my Friday Fives

Shelly said...

Hmm...Never thought of it. I would choose Kate Gosselin as one. Not sure why, but I'm intrigued by her...