Friday, June 11, 2010

Five Question Friday-why not another Friday post? :)

I'm spending the evening relaxing after ending half a semester finishing up college in my internship, and the next semester playing the role of teacher Whew, what a year! It's been non-stop since August! So, please excuse me if you think I'm blogging too much... ;)

Here are the 5 questions for Friday!

1. What do you think makes a good friend, or friendship?
A good friendship, in my opinion, consists of fun, honesty, compassion, showing God's love, helping, and definitely laughing!

2. What is the last thing you bought and later regretted?
A black linen-type jacket from Old Navy that was on clearance for $20 that I could have totally lived without and it's too late to return it now. Hopefully I will find use for it come fall/winter!

3. Have you ever had a prank played on you?
Yes, and I'm known to be gullible so that doesn't help out much. Ha! But I remember one time back in 8th grade, I was on the phone with a boy who was asking me questions about what I "thought of" another boy who was actually listening in on another phone. Ha! What a joke looking back! Oh the middle school drama! Oh...and another time, this was in my junior year of college, I was walking down to my friend Mandi's dorm room and our other friend Lauren was hiding in the closet. I didn't know she was hiding in there so I was just talking to my friend Mandi when all of a sudden Lauren comes out of the closet and I screamed at the top of my lungs! It's one of Lauren's favorite stories!

4. What is your favorite theme park?
I'll say Disney World. I'm not obsessed with Disney by any means, but compared to the other parks I've been to I do enjoy Disney and all the rides and the parades and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas is a fun holiday tradition!

5. Have you ever seen someone else give birth?
No I haven't!

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