Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last Minute Things

I'm planning on heading back to "my" home in Lake Wales on Thursday. So today and tomorrow I'm trying to get everything together to leave my parent's house and go back. Last minute things include laundry, doctor appointments, haircut, getting together with Sarasota friends, and one of the biggest is the current car situation with the lease being up. So currently I've got some laundry in the dryer, other laundry folded and am re-organizing my messy suitcase. I can't stand living out of a suitcase. I just haven't found a way to ever keep a suitcase neat and organized. I guess it doesn't help when I bring half of my entire wardrobe for those "in-case-I-want-to-wear-this" scenarios. The joy of being a woman!

I met up at Applebee's today with my longtime friend, Jackie. She and I have known each other since we were in 3rd grade. We sang in our church's youth choir together all the way through 12th grade. We left quite the legacy, haha! It was good to catch up and hear about what's going on in her life. Then I went to the Honda dealership....by myself. I went in with a strong head and wasn't going to let those salesmen sweet-talk me into any so-called "deals." I test drove a car and after talking to the salesmen about the best possible deals, I left and called my dad. THEN, my dad called them up and offered a lower price and they got it down. So...tomorrow morning we're going to solidify the deal, I think. We'll see how everything plays out.

And that's been the extent of my day in a nutshell. Nothing overly exciting. I began filling out my paperwork for my new job. Looks like I've got some phone calls to make tomorrow in order to get fingerprinted and drug tested. Tomorrow, my most amazing friend, Dayna, comes to visit! I have missed her so much. We are going to see my sister Keleigh perform in the circus. It's kind of our tradition now! I'm SO excited for her to get here. She's just so much fun to be around and I have really missed that the last week and a half since we've both been with our families during the holidays. I'm really looking forward to our reunion!


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