Friday, January 20, 2012

Various Thoughts of Various Topics

1) American Idol- did you tune in this past Wednesday and/or Thursday? I usually don't get "into it" until the Top 25 when the competition gets exciting. But I had it on this week and have since heard on morning radio shows about how the viewing numbers for the show are down. The factors contributing to the decrease in viewing is supposedly the other singing competition shows such as The Voice. Apparently other popular shows are also drawing viewers away, and I'm not TV-show-savvy so I'm not sure what shows those are exactly. Simon Cowell, no longer part of the judging team, is also contributing to the decreased viewers. My thoughts on this is that yeah, Simon was a good, honest (sometimes too honest we might all agree) and funny judge. I was disappointed when he left. But as for the other shows? They're copying American Idol! American Idol was first! I'm looking forward to watching in the coming weeks as the participants are narrowed down. I'll help keep their viewer numbers up. :)

2) Fitness- I signed up for a fitness class being offered at the school I work at. It was a $40 one time fee and I can go to one or both classes offered each week. Not a bad deal, right? Especially for someone, like me, who needs to get back on the exercise train. On Tuesdays the class focuses on stretching and Yoga and on Thursdays it's Zumba! Yesterday I attended Zumba and oh my gosh! I will never be able to move like that! It was fun and a good feeling to know I was exercising. The ironic thing? I walked into the class, took one look at the instructor, and immediately recognized her as one of my professors in college! Ha!

3) Cruise Ship Catastrophe- terrible, right? I still look at the pictures online or the News in shock that the ship is literally lying on its side in the ocean. Having been on a cruise for the first time this summer, it makes it more real. I am very skeptical (as many are) about the captain's decisions that night. I don't think he's being completely truthful and there's much more to the story. You just have no need to bring a massive cruise ship that close to a rock and island. I don't buy the story of him wanting to "wave" to a former captain or whatever his story is. And how convenient that he "tripped and fell into a life boat?" He certainly has no business steering a cruise ship ever again. I'm sad for the families who are mourning the loss of victims and also those waiting to figure out the status of their missing relatives. I can't imagine.

4) Dateline- Some may find it weird that I'm 25 and love the news and "newsy" type shows, but I do. I look forward to Friday nights at 10:00 when Dateline comes on. I already know it's not the norm of my age group- but being a teacher wears me out and by Friday night, I am good to just relax at home. It's what works for me. Tonight I watched 20/20 (another favorite) on the Costa Concordia in which they shared some details of the incident and also behind-the-scenes looks into what goes on with the crew during cruises. Some of it's scary!! I'm thankful there were no dramatic scenarios that took place on my cruise!

5) Red Solo Cup- have you heard this song by Toby Keith? I absolutely love this song! But not for what it means, really, as the only thing I've ever had in my "Red Solo Cup" is Coke, haha. I don't particularly care for alcohol, so I don't really relate to the song's meaning, but I just enjoy the song in general. It's fun!

6) Winter?- Is winter coming this year? Seriously, where is the usual winter weather across the US? You know, since loving the news and all, I've been hearing the meteorologists talk about the "snow drought" in places that are used to getting healthy amounts of snow during the winter months. Of course, I know that FL where I live isn't expecting any snow, but I'm ready to plan another winter trip out of state and I'm not sure if it'd be worth it!

I think that wraps up my various thoughts of various topics for tonight!Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love Dateline too! The mystery episodes are my favorite. And I'm in FL too and it's crazy that the high today is 80F. I prefer the warm weather though so I don't have any complaints.