Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Chilly Sunday

I have been loving our chilly weather the last few days here in FL! There have been only a few days this "winter" that we've actually had appropriate temps for the season. They really are few and far between this year and so I love soaking up the cold weather when it's here! I wore a sweater dress with tights and boots this morning to church and it was fun to feel like I really had a reason to dress with the winter trend. :)

I came home from church and started the normal Sunday routine of laundry, light cleaning, lesson plans, and grading papers. But today doesn't feel like Sunday since we have tomorrow off in honor of MLK's birthday! Yes!! Who doesn't love a 3-day weekend?!

Audra texted me after church and invited Dayna and I out to the lake to walk around and hang out. We stopped by Steak 'n Shake beforehand to get milkshakes to take to the lake. Perhaps hot chocolate would have been a better choice of beverage on a chilly day like today? :)

We got to the lake and stopped into Hollis Gardens first, which is part of Lake Mirror.

It's beautiful and a popular spot for families, couples and prom-goers to get pictures taken.


Audra also had another plan for our little outing. When we parked at the lake, she got out of the car with her purse, milkshake, and 2 red Christmas stockings. She had planned to give Dayna and I our Christmas presents. She's so thoughtful! We did tease her though about what people must have thought about her out-of-season accessories proudly displayed as she walked around. ;)

Audra was so sneaky! I can't believe she pulled this off! I had tried this dress on when we were in NC in December and it fit and everything and I did like it, but it was one of those situations where I couldn't buy everything I tried on. Sound familiar? Teacher's salary with student loans abounding. So I chose another dress instead. Well, sneaky Audra picked it up right behind me and then gave it to me for Christmas! So sweet and thoughtful! Thank you, Audra!

I love this scenery at this time of night! The sky looks gorgeous.

As we were heading back to the car, Audra showed me her brand new iPod! I had to take a picture because I seriously have an obsession for things that are miniature. This iPod defines miniature! Welcome to the iPod world, Audra! Please learn how to skip past "Mama Mia!" (Inside joke.)

What a relaxing, fun, and simple evening! So looking forward to having an extra day to my weekend!

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