Sunday, April 11, 2010

The last week...

I haven't blogged since last Sunday, partly because nothing exciting has really happened. It was somewhat of a stressful week for me because grades were due for the 3rd quarter and I was out one day for a training-and let's be honest here, most teachers don't enjoy having substitutes in their rooms because they're afraid of what they're going back to when they return. I'm one of those teachers. My experiences with substitutes so far haven't been wonderful. It's not all their fault, I know my students can be difficult, too. Anyway, it just seems like there's even more to do during the week when I'm out for a day. But this week we have our first field trip of the year! We are going to the Polk Museum of Art on Tuesday so that should be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it and I know the kids are too.

On Monday, I booked my flight to VA for Chloe's 1st Communion. I am her godmother, so I wouldn't miss this important step in her religious education. I'll be taking 1/2 day off work Friday the 23rd and then a full day that Monday the 26th. The flight on Allegiant Air was $9.99 that Monday...that's just too good to pass up! Plus, I'm entitled to take the personal days I'm given as a teacher, so why not? I'm looking forward to seeing VA in the Spring. I've never been up north during the Spring and I hear it's beautiful. But aren't all seasons beautiful up north? Someday I'll live there... ;)

Dayna and I have safely made it through our first week back at our apartment, without any tire slashing or any other suspicious activity, thank goodness. I'm not gonna lie, for once in the 4+ years I've lived away from my parents, I wasn't wanting to come back last weekend. I was scared to come back for fear of what would happen next. I know that might make me sound like a wimp, but seriously-this is not the greatest area and I have my suspicions about it, even more so now. Thankfully, while I was on Spring Break, I found out that my application was approved at the new apartment complex Dayna and I are moving to in Lakeland which is MUCH nicer than where we are now, and safer, too. Unfortunately, we aren't moving until June 30th and it seems so far away! Especially since I want to get out of here even more now since I don't feel that safe here. Soon enough, soon enough.

This weekend wasn't too eventful. Friday night I came home and was in the mood to clean which was good because this place needed a cleaning. Papers, bills, receipts, etc. were beginning to take over the kitchen table and coffee table and it was looking quite ridiculous. So I was able to fill up 2 Walmart bags full of paper that needed to become one with the trash. I'm trying, really hard, to get organized with my bills and budgeting since it's all on me now. I've also recently received all of my medical benefits/insurance stuff and I need to keep track of that. Once school is out, my plan is to go through all of my college binders and folders and get rid of what I don't need anymore. There is a ton of stuff I need to get rid of and donate somewhere.

Saturday I helped Dayna finish some of her assignments for her internship and then when she was done we headed to Lakeland for Moe's-her request to "celebrate" her big project being turned in! We went to Target and did small shopping and then today we went to church and Chili's for lunch-yum! I've been putting off doing my lesson plans all day/weekend (although I did grade some papers!) so I'm gonna go work on them now! Have a great week!

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