Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Fives!

I found another blog carnival to join in on this week from:
Just Me and My Life
The theme is 5 things you don't know about me! I may have a similar post to this already-but I'll try and make sure these are ones you haven't seen before.

Here we go!

1. I enjoy laundry. There is such a feeling of accomplishment when I do my laundry each week-no matter how messed up that sounds! Haha! I have been doing my own laundry since I was in 8th grade when I gave my mom an attitude for having to sort the clothes or something and from that point forward-as per her punishment, I've been doing my own laundry...and I want to be the only one who does my laundry! I'm very particular about it!

2. My mom found out she was pregnant with me on Valentine's Day in 1986. I have always thought that was so cool! Ha!

3. I don't prefer alcohol and I have never been drunk. More than just saying that I have my own reasons as to why I choose not to drink is the fact that I really, honestly, and truly don't even like the taste of alcohol. Out of the two, maybe 3 drinks I've had since turning 21, I have never finished the drink. I'd prefer coke 1,000 times more than an alcoholic drink and I don't ever see that changing.

4. I am not an animal person. I'd just like a house full of children someday. Well, house full as in like 3-4 children. :) I didn't grow up with animals (except for the 10 hamsters my sisters had which I NEVER liked) and was scared by a huge dog when I was a year old, thus having an effect (or so I think)! I have taken a sincere liking to my family's dog Jack(which is surprising in and of itself), but that's about the extent of it. I can't stand dogs that jump and lick and smell nasty...oh it's just the worst!

5. I liked being dressed up in work clothes/church clothes/dress clothes more than being just casual. I think my dress clothes are cuter than just my casual stuff. This doesn't mean I don't dress casual because I certainly do on the weekends!

Well, there are my Friday Fives! Looking forward to seeing what next week's five things are. Speaking of next Friday-I will be going to Virginia then and I'm so excited!!!


Shelly said...

Hi Kaitlin! I'm flattered that you follow my blog. I figured most people find it boring. ha! I keep up with it for our families who are out of town and I'm happy to know you enjoy it. Thanks for the comment! Keep them coming :)

The Jennings said...

Thanks so much for leaving me a comment! I am so happy you read our blog! You are so sweet! I skimmed over your blog and read through the tire slashing incident. :( You are so cute and fun! I look forward to seeing what is new with you!
