Friday, January 4, 2013

It's a New Year!

Happy New Year! Is it true that it's really 2013 already?

The years truly do go by faster every single year. It's scary, really.

It's been a while since I've blogged. In this new year, I've made a goal to blog more regularly...even if it means my posts don't have pictures, or if they are short-and-sweet type posts. Just for myself (and the few who enjoy reading this 'ole blog) to have a record of what I was up to in this season of life!

I'll begin my first post of 2013 with a quick recap of my most recent travel experience- skiing in Snowshoe, West Virginia! My roommate/best friend and I drove straight through the night last Friday- December 28th. We left our apartment about 9 pm and arrived in Elkins, WV (where we stayed) around 12 noon on Saturday. We did well for driving straight through. I didn't need any type of drink to help me stay awake- the fact that I knew we were going to see snow around 6 a.m....I was fueled! Haha. I absolutely adore snow. I realize, as a FL girl, that I don't endure the not-so-good parts of snow that those who live in it do...but I still think it's magical and beautiful. I look forward to a trip each year in which I will get my "snow fix!" I certainly saw plenty of snow this trip!

{These pictures are in no particular order, fyi.}

This was right before we hit the slopes on our first night. We had purchased 2-day lift tickets and decided to night ski on our first day. was FREEZING just so you know. ;)

I love this picture that I captured. This amount of snow is perfection, in my opinion.

Sooooo happy to be sledding in the snowfall! {On another note, how ridiculous is the fur on that hood? I don't think I ever realized until this picture.}

This was taken our first night there. This picture tells the perfect story- I love snow!

Sledding on a sled made for children- but that's all Walmart had. Technically, snow makes me act like a I guess it's okay? ;)

Snow= love.

I have plenty more pictures from the trip- but these will suffice for now!

We returned home last night/this morning at 3:45 a.m. I was in bed by 4:30 a.m. and slept until about 2! I needed it. The rest of today I have spent doing laundry and cleaning up from Christmas. There's still a lot to be done tomorrow. As much as I am sad to see my 2-week break come to an end, I'm thankful to have been able to go on a fun trip and spend the holidays with family and friends. It's always nice to get back into the routine, too, after beginning a new year.

I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday season in 2012.

13 is my lucky number...I'm hoping for good things in 2013!

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