Saturday, August 25, 2012

You Know You're Back at School When...

You know you're back at school when....

{from a teacher's perspective}

-You have gone through almost a whole package of Band-Aids in a week's time due to blisters and such from wearing heels (or uncomfortable shoes) all day

-You start finding random things in your pockets at the end of the day

-You begin to receive little notes here and there from students that have messages about how "nice" you are or how "pretty" you are {so sweet!}

-You revert back to inhaling food since lunch is about 25 minutes long

-You sleep in on Saturday until the time you'd normally be dismissing students (or somewhere close to that late afteroon hour) ;)

-Sharpening pencils becomes one of your daily afternoon activities

-You find yourself repeating things on a regular basis...cause you're not sure if people understood you the first time

-Trips to the Dollar Tree become more consistent

-You feel like you could go to bed at 5:00 p.m. and sleep straight through the night until your alarm goes off the next morning

-Your "To-Do" list is literally neverending

-You begin a mental countdown until the next holiday break {Labor Day, anyone?!}

If you're a teacher who just returned to school...I'm curious- what are your "you-know-you're-back-at-school-when...?"

I had a great first week back... it seems that I have been blessed with a great class!

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