Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Update

It's been a whole month since my last post! {Gasp!}

Writing the title to this post made me realize, even more so, that the summer is one day away from being officially over for me. As like everything else, the summer flew by. It's been relaxing...maybe a little too relaxing. Ha! I feel like there are more home projects I wanted to accomplish, but didn't.

I recently got back from a vacation with my best friend/roommate, Dayna. We went to Maine, New Hampshire and Connecticut. In each state, we stayed with some family I have up there. It was low-key and fun. I'm going to do a separate post on my vacation, though. Soon, possibly? :)

I spent many afternoons at the pool this summer which has provided a pretty nice tan if I do say so myself! Ha!

I dealt with summer insomnia (self-diagnosed, of course) and invested in Nyquil's new product, ZzzQuil. It has saved me from several nights of laying in my dark bedroom wide awake, tossing and turning. The cure for my self-diagnosed insomnia is going back to work and waking up to an early alarm.

I have had so much fun hanging out with my friend, Kelly, and her two boys, Gavin (2 years) and Liam (3.5 months). I typically watch the boys on Thursday nights when she goes to choir practice but having an open summer has allowed me the opportunity to see them more and hang out and have girl time with their mommy! :)

My faith has been tested some recently and lately I just have such a peace in knowing that God has my life all figured out, already. His timing and His ways are perfect. Mine are not. I am trusting in His promises and resting in the truth of His word.

Last week, I spent 3.5 hours in my classroom, getting the furniture set up and putting up some bulletin boards. It felt good to get a head-start on some things. There are like a million and one things to get done in preparing a classroom for orientation day, and the first day of school. {Any teachers reading this are probably nodding their heads in agreement, right?}

Although it's sad to see a carefree summer come to an end, it's also exciting to think about the fresh start that a new school year brings. The summer gets my mind turning about new ideas for my classroom and things I want to modify for the upcoming class of students. It's just fun!

And when summer ends...fall is right around the corner! And if you know me, you know I LOVE fall and winter. I'm already thinking about where I will head this year to get my "fall-fix" in. So many possibilities!

I tried twice to upload pictures from my iPhone to accompany text with this post...but it failed both times I tried. So, here you have a summer update, sans pictures. Sorry! :/

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