Saturday, January 5, 2013

Two Resolutions

The other night while visiting my family in Virginia after leaving West Virginia, my 13 year old cousin asked me, "What are your New Year's resolutions, Kaitlin?" I replied with a very matter of fact answer, "I don't make those."

It might have sounded snobby the way I quickly rattled off that reply, which made me reflect on what I answered him with.

"I don't make those."

I haven't ever made a New Year's Resolution that stuck, really. When I was younger I would make simple resolutions because I overheard conversations around me about New Year's I made some of my own, just because I thought I was supposed to. I couldn't tell you what they were, though.

Then maybe when I was older, say...high-school/college, I made some more meaningful resolutions like exercising more or something of the sort. I honestly don't remember. {I just know they weren't long lasting, obviously!}

It's not that I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions- or the purpose of them. I do think they serve a good purpose! I just know that if I resolve to "exercise more" or "stop eating fast food" or "save X amount of money each month"...there will come times where I won't be able to fulfill those resolutions and then it will seem pointless. Just my opinion.

I want my New Year's resolutions to be things I know I can accomplish. And so, I have made two resolutions this year in 2013.

1. OPEN and READ my mail. I have this horrible habit of only opening the absolutely necessary. I need to do better at opening every piece of mail and shredding what I don't need. What happens is I end up with this huge and unneccesary stack of unopened mail...just because I am lazy. Not anymore- I'm opening everything and shredding what I don't need.

2. Set up online payments for ALL bills. I am old fashioned in the way that I like writing checks and sending in my bills. {I'm actually old fashioned in more ways, too, just in case you were curious. Ha!} But I have realized it really will save time and postage. It's been a long time coming, but this is the year. I am signing up for online payments.

See, those two resolutions I know I can make happen. I will. It will make my life more organized, and that, in and of itself, is a productive resolution!

Instead of making so many resolutions, which I know all won't be accomplished, I like going into a New Year with things I'm believing in. Wishes and goals that I have, that I believe God will help me accomplish and desires that only He can fulfill. I believe that each year, God has new things in store for us. New people for us to meet. New friendships to be formed. New places to go. New opportunities to be a light in the dark. New challenges in which we learn to trust and rely in Him more. And honestly, I think those things are more important than me reading every piece of mail, or making payments online versus writing a check. Sure- those things are useful and help me to be more organized- but at the end of the day, it won't really matter that useless pieces of mail are opened or unopened, you know?

So, while I work to be true to the two resolutions I have made, I will also focus on the bigger picture through prayer; asking God to help me achieve goals I have, to grant the desires of my heart, and to help me live like He would have me live.

What about you? Do you make New Year's Resolutions or goals?

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