Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Day "You" Challenge: 10 Secrets

Since summer left me nearly five weeks ago, I haven't taken many pictures lately since my days are busy with kids, lesson plans, and papers to grade (to name a few things among the thousand.)

So I found this "10 Days of You" challenge I thought I would join in on, just for the lack of exciting blog posts fun of it.

Here we go.

10 secrets.

10. I am anal about laundry. I don't like anyone else to do my laundry. I have a certain routine of when I put the detergent in, which happens before the clothes go in.

9. I rarely, rarely, rarely watch movies. I'm not the type to invite someone over and say, "Wanna watch a movie?" I'd much rather converse. :)

8. I still believe in certain things the "old-fashioned" way. One main thing in particular: it's the guy's job to pursue the girl in the beginning. The beginning is not just the first date, but rather the first couple of months. Anything less is just simply unattractive and lazy, in my opinion. Be a man!

7. I am famous for tailgating cars, but really that just means I have a very low tolerance for slow, bad drivers.

6. Agreeing to take a box from the restaurant for my leftovers and then leaving the box to sit in my fridge is something I'm known for. (Thankfully my roommate will make meals out of my leftovers so most of the time it doesn't go to waste!)

5. My greatest desire is to be a wife and mother, but I truly am content in waiting for God's timing and God's best.

4. I still sometimes will find myself thinking, "When did I get to be old enough where when I talk about college, I speak in the past tense?" I swear I was still in high school last week. Oh, reality.

3. When events that I've looked forward to for a long time are over, (holidays, trips, family visiting, etc.) I might shed a tear or two still, just like I've done my whole life I did when I was 7.

2. I over-analyze almost every situation, word, tone, expression, email, text, etc. I'm one of those people, but I don't always share those over-analyzations. Ha!

1. I don't cry in all!

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