Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day: My Thoughts

Disclaimer: This post reflects how I've always felt about the holiday, not just because I'm currently single. :) Seriously, I promise.

Valentine's Day, to me, is described with 3 C's. Chocolate, candy, and a card. For me, it doesn't need to be any more than this. Even when I dated my high-school boyfriend for 3 years, that's exactly what the holiday was for us. Simple and sweet. Nothing elaborate. Some would say it's because we were "just highschoolers" but even now, I still feel the same way. Here's why. All throughout the year, we should be showing those we love that we love them by doing simple things, showing simple acts of kindness and love toward them. It means more to me to be shown love on a random, ordinary day simply just because. That's just me.

I just don't expect my significant other to buy me a new jewlery item or other big gift just because it's Valentine's Day. Not that there is anything wrong with receiving or buying those gifts on Valentine's Day, it's just not how I view the holiday. When I dated Aaron for 3 years, I would always get him a gift bag of candy and a nice card..and that was it! It also probably had something to do with the fact that our "anniversary" and his birthday all were in February within close proximity to each other, so things needed to be spaced out. :) Ha!

Although I may currently be single (and perfectly content!) I don't have bitter feelings toward Valentine's Day, mostly because it's just a day that highlights what we should be doing all year long with those we love. I'm speaking to myself in this too. :) Valentine's Day will always just remain a simple holiday in my book, maybe when I'm dating/married a nice dinner will be enjoyed, too. Of course, my idea of Valentine's Day has also been modeled to me by my parents who also acknowledged the holiday with simple things, like flowers and a card. I remember as a kid on Valentine's Day, my mom would always have one of those festive plastic cups at our spot at the kitchen table with candy in it with a Valentine card. Simple, yet memorable. :)

This Valentine's Day, all my teacher friends (who are single!) will be enjoying our own dinner and having our own fun! My class and I will be on a field trip so that'll also make the day fun!

Fun Fact: My parents found out they were expecting me on Valentine's Day of 1986!

I hope that whatever way you choose to celebrate Valentine's Day brings you love! Happy Valentine's Day!

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