Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Fives!

I'm so thankful we've reached the end of another work week! It just so happens that me and Sleeping In are best friends, so the weekend is always much anticipated! :)

I'm linking up at Beth's blog to join in this week's Friday Fives. This week's theme is five random questions. These are always fun! Just Me and My Life
Today is the last Friday of September...that means payday is coming soon! And might I ask where September has gone?! It's basically October!

1. What's your "comfort food"?
My favorite comfort food would have to be some type of junk, of course. I'm not sure I can pinpoint a single comfort food because it usually depends on my mood. Chick-fil-a is always good, candy bars/chocolate always help, and sometimes even eating boiled peanuts with a good Coke is considered good "comfort."

2.One thing thats on your mind right now?
Everything that I have to do this weekend to be ready for another school week. This coming school week isn't just any old school week, though. The FL Department of Education people will at our school from 7:30-5:30 on Thursday conducting an instructional review. They will be going in all classrooms, observing us, critiquing everything we do, including professionalism to teaching. No pressure, right?! Anyway, I've got a lot on my plate this weekend. A LOT.

3. What's the best advice you've ever received?
-To remember to take breaks when working hard on a project or writing a paper (in college but still applies to the real world!)
-That when people are getting to you for whatever reason, not to show them in any way that they bother you so that you don't fuel their fire
-To be a fair and consistent teacher all the time so that the kids won't run over you
-To spend as much time as possible with the people who mean the most to you because once they're gone, they're gone

4. If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?
I would probably put that money toward some clothing item (shirt, skirt, shorts, shoes, etc.)! Shopping is so fun!

5. What is your least favorite thing to clean in your house?
I hate cleaning the shower/bathtub! Ugh! It's just not an easy job! Luckily, I only have a shower in my bathroom with glass doors so it's east to keep clean. (Dayna has the full bath and shower in her bathroom.)

(That isn't a picture of my bathroom, it's just to serve an iconic purpose!)

That wraps up my Friday Fives, but my weekend is just beginning! I'm looking forward to it!

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