Friday, August 20, 2010

It's been a while!

Well, it's safe to say I've been a bad blogger lately. When I say I've not had time, I'm telling the truth. I don't think I've been home before 7:00 p.m. since last week. I have put in long hours to get my classroom set up just the way I want it, including the most anal and OCD things! However, I'm not saying this as a complaint because I'm truly loving it! It's been so refreshing to finally get this classroom clean of all the old stuff and make it "mine." I'm going to school again tomorrow to finish up the final things (yeah right, final? Nothing is ever finally done as a teacher!) before Monday which is the first day of school! I'm excited...and a tad nervous, too! ;)

I promise to take pictures of my classroom tomorrow, especially because after Monday when the kids come-there's no tellin' how that room will look. Ha! So, you'll see pictures (and details) soon whether you want to or not! :)

Yesterday we had orientation from 9-11 a.m. and 5-6 p.m. I had a good turnout, including two new students! So, now I've got a total of 18 and there are only 5 students that I didn't meet! I'm looking forward to seeing my class as a whole on Monday! I'm entirely exhausted so I'm headed to bed. Remember those sleeping problems I talked about all summer long? Well, I'm happy to report that those sleeping problems have somehow disappeared. I wonder what it could be?! ;)

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