Friday, March 23, 2012

Re-adjustment and Friends

Can I just be honest and say that this first week back after Spring Break was hard getting back into the routine? It's amazing how one week off from the normal routine can get you so comfortable....and then when it's time for reality again, it's difficult to adjust. I'm think I'm re-adjusted though...11 weeks 'til summer!

It was nice getting together this week with friends as part of my re-adjustment process. {Maybe I'm being dramatic calling this a "re-adjustment process", but I'm still going to call it that.} It gave me something to look forward to, as I had to re-train myself that Monday-Friday, I should be: waking up at 6:15 (which by the way, thanks to the time change, is BEFORE the sun comes up. I'm not fond of this.), being to work by 7:45, using my bag of useless tricks to keep 20 fifth graders from talking all day long, grading papers, contacting parents, dealing with numerous parent/school/part-of-my-job issues, writing lesson plans, and of course, teaching. After 5 days of this, I am keenly aware of reality. (I really do need to say that I do enjoy being a teacher. This week, truthfully, there was a lot of "extra" stuff going on with parents/students/meetings that it just felt like a lot, in addition to teaching 7 hours of the day. It's just a big contrast to the relaxation experienced last week. I digress.)

So...on to the friends! {Now that I have given you every detail of my melo-dramatic "re-adjustment process."}

Tuesday, Dayna and I met Lauren and Whitney in Lake Wales at Manny's for our monthly dinner tradition! Our service was so fast and done in under an hour, and we were disappointed it went by so quickly! Whitney kindly opened her home up to us afterward so that we could continue hanging out and catching up.

A blurry pic of Lauren and I

Lauren and Whit

Whit, Lauren and me (always the shortest, even with a heel on my shoe!)

Whit and Dayna (please don't be jealous of my creativity of the pictures I took at the restuarant that are all the same)

Friday, Dayna and I had plans to attend "Beauty Week" at Clinique. We were shopping there not long ago, and the woman who helped us was so kind and friendly and she said she'd do our make-up for Beauty Week and give us a free product for coming! So we showed up with no make-up and fresh cleaned faces, ready for a makeover!

No make-up

Made over!

We should have taken some close-ups of our "mid-dramatic" eyes as the consultant called them, but this is the best we got. It was fun and Dayna and I both liked our finished product. So then we bought some of it! Of course.

Then afterward, we headed to TGI Friday's to meet Jessica and Audra for dinner. This was our first time to hear the official story of Jessica's proposal story! She's getting married in August!

She received a gorgeous engagement ring!

The first of the four to get hitched! :)

It was a FUN night with these girls. Dayna and Jessica talked much of the night in accents that had Audra and I laughing for a while. I think Dayna and Jessica know what they'll be doing in this year's school talent show. Haha. I'm not feeling too well now, and plan to rest up this weekend before another crazy week begins!

Happy Friday and Weekend!

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