Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Overdue Update

My blogging has been on the back burner lately. Lots going on. Not a whole lot of pictures to make an exciting post. Here is a snapshot of what I've been up to the past month, in bulleted list form:

In the past few weeks, I have...

-tried Shellac on my nails for the first time {expensive and not sure if it's worth doing again?}
-administered FCAT Tests {3 down, 3 more to go!}
-driven to Sarasota to spend Easter with my family {what a good day it was!}
-continued to neglect my need for a haircut {well, just a trim is all I want, but I need one, bad!}
-dubbed my class a miniature "soap opera" {like, it could be called As the World Turns in Kaliher's Class- the drama is that good ridiculous!}
-taught my students how to make string bracelets; the kind with cheap string that were popular to make and "sell" in the 90s {so much fun...even as an adult!}
-attempted to de-clutterrearrange the den in my apartment into an office {I know I won't be able to complete it the way I want to until summer, so it's hard to get motivated}
-officially decided that I hate my alarm clock {there comes a point in the school year where I just get so tired of the 6:00 a.m. wake-up calls}
-played Scramble With Friends and Draw Something a million times {you can say I'm addicted!}
-went wedding dress shopping with a good friend! {for her of course, not for me......YET!}
-took my car for an oil change {it was long overdue!}
-been saddened at the news of Dick Clark's death {New Years Eve will never be the same!}
-went to a Premier Jewlery Party {fun, girly-girl kind of night!}

It's exciting when the feeling comes that the school year is in fact winding down. That feeling is here. It's mid-April now; we get out June 7th (I think.) We're in the middle of our big FCAT testing and then we've got field trips, field days, nurse lessons, research books to make, Science Fair and other types of end-of-the-year festivities. Needless to say, it gets real busy! I miss blogging though and hopefully can get back into the routine of it soon!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I'm terrible at scramble with friends, but we should play :

tyler8704 is my username :)