Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, 2011! Can the days, weeks, months, years be flying by any faster?!

Needless to say, I have been a terrible blogger lately. I know there aren't many people dying to read my blog daily, but, I still feel like a bad blogger. I'll get caught up soon. However, if you've been following my blog for some time-you know my laptop fell over the summer and the screen is forever damaged. So Dayna has willingly let me use hers. Well, the other night it just shut off. It won't turn on any way we try it. So....I'm using my school computer and can't load all of my photos on there. It may be a while before I get some fun posts up. I have pictures of different Christmas activities, etc., but they'll just have to wait. Darn!'s a brand new year! I can hardly believe I've been teaching for a whole year now. It seems like just yesterday I looked into my very own classroom for the first time. And now, it's like my second home. Ha! I am excited for what 2011 will hold. In my mind at this moment in time, I imagine it to be a low-key year but of course mixed in with some fun events. :)

Tomorrow is a full-day of teaching with the kiddos, so I better get to bed! I'll be back soon, hopefully!

Enjoy 2011!

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