Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another weekend is here!

Tomorrow is Friday! Enough said, right? However, I must admit that I feel like the weeks are going by rather quickly. Before I know it, I'll be saying good-bye to my 5th graders on the last day of school. I know it's going to be here in the blink of an eye. I am finishing up my 7th week at OJP and I feel like I'm finally starting to settle into a routine, really getting comfortable with my class- getting "through" to them is another story! With each new day, I'm learning so much about the world of being a teacher. It's a world I am growing to like and I'm learning that teaching is a tough job, but so rewarding. You have to give in order to get- a true statement in so many situations of life!

This weekend I will be traveling to Sarasota to see these people.

I miss them. I haven't seen them since they were up here for my graduation. My youngest sister turned 17 yesterday, and my brother turned 22 last week. So, we'll be doing some birthday celebrating. I'll be indulging in some Sarasota shopping (tomorrow is pay-day!) and probably a good pedicure. My feet need it. I can use the "I'm a teacher now and am on my feet all day" line to justify the pampering. I'm also making payments to pay off my credit cards and am assuming all my financial obligations, so there is even more justification! Ha, like you cared or wanted to know, right?

In other news...what a terrible tragedy about the woman who lost her life "in the line of duty"-doing what she had always dreamed of doing, working closely with killer whales at the infamous Sea World in Orlando. I'm thinking and praying for her family members, as they must be in such a state of shock at her sudden death. As I learned that the particular whale that killed her was previously involved in two other deaths, I'm not quite sure why they continued to have humans "train" with that whale...clearly he was dangerous. But then the other side to that is, they are killer whales, and they bear that name for a reason. I suppose any other whale has the potential to become frustrated in captivity and lash out on a human. Nonetheless, it's extremely sad when things like this do happen. It's reassuring to know that Sea World is doing some investigating and figuring out ways in which they can make their trainers even more safe as the park's whale shows remain closed for the time being. Good idea, Sea World.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. Only one more school week before my students take the FCAT-oh boy! I think at this point, they're as ready as they're gonna be! They are burnt out on all of the practice tests and are too young to realize those do help! But...that only means my job is that much more important this week! Well I think I've rambled enough for tonight, it's onto bed I go! Goodnight!

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