Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Frenzy

This is the first year, in my 25 years, that I've participated in Black Friday. However, I'm sure my Black Friday looked different than most people's Black Friday. Because aren't you supposed to drop tons of cash and wait in lines and come home with bags upon bags of the items that you saved so much money on?

This is my one and only Black Friday purchase. I spent a total of $25 on the khaki pants inside of this shopping bag. This was the extent of my Black Friday shopping.

Here's the thing. No one in my family has ever been big into Black Friday. I didn't grow up with it as one of our traditions. My mom, especially, hates shopping. I enjoy shopping, but I don't enjoy crowds. But for the past few years, I've REALLY been wanting to experience what Black Friday is all about. For the past couple of years, my family goes to Orlando to my aunt and uncle's house for Thanksgiving. So since I'm in an area I'm unfamiliar with, I don't want to Black Friday shop by myself.

THIS year though, my brother and cousin wanted to participate. I think it made it easier on all of us knowing that so many places were opening at midnight. I'm not a huge fan of waking up early. So, we had a plan to go to an outlet mall and a regular mall when they opened at midnight. We left around 10:45. We began shopping right around midnight. Left the outlet mall after an hour and headed to the Florida Mall. We were there for about an hour and then left and WE. WERE. DONE.! I got back to my aunt and uncle's house around 2:30 a.m.

So, are you curious to know the thoughts bouncing around my head about "What I Learned About Black Friday?" Check back soon!

{I know I've neglected this blog lately. There just hasn't been time. I recently tried blogging from my iPhone but the pictures were all out of order and that doesn't sit well with my Type A personality. I'm trying to figure that out and once I do, hopefully blogging will be more regular and exciting for both author and readers!} :)

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