Monday, December 12, 2011

A New Tradition

I think it's safe to say a new tradition has been started, and for someone who loves tradition, this makes me a happy girl! Last month, my friends from college, Whitney and Lauren, and Dayna went to dinner one night and decided we needed to get together once a month. They both live in Lake Wales and Dayna and I are in Lakeland (about a 30 minute distance) so we thought it'd be fun to get together every month and trade off locations. So far, we've been able to manage this tradition for two months! :)

Tonight we got together again, this time in Lake Wales (well Frostproof, actually) at an infamous little diner, Frostbite. It's such a good place and somewhere I frequented in college.

Getting together with these girls is such a breath of fresh air. I love them! We laugh most of the time at Lauren but can also talk seriously about what's going on in our lives. Lauren was my roommate my first semester of college and I feel so fortunate to have met her and also to have been able to go through our first college semester together. There are too many memories to count from that first year.

And Whitney has been friends with Lauren since elementary school. Lauren would invite Whitney over to our dorm sometimes and that's how I met her and we just became great friends over the years. She's also a teacher and is about to celebrate her first wedding anniversary! Both of these girls' friendships are treasured!

Tonight we swapped some gifts classy style, in the backseat of Whitney's new ride. :)

{Excuse my nasty, nasty, nasty hair! Why, oh why, must the left side always flip out?}

Whitney is notorious for writing cards for all seasons and holidays. She's SO good at remembering to be thoughtful. So, I thought she needed some more note cards! Plus, who doesn't love a monogram frame? Haha.

And Lauren...a frame for her, too, but also some nailpolish because that girl loves her some nailpolish! It's kind of an inside joke, too, but when I lived with her freshman year, it was literally about every night she'd paint her nails a new color. I don't have the patience to let my nails dry every night, but she was determined. New color, almost nightly. I love this about her! So I had to get her some, of course!

Tonight's get-together was too short, but such is life for working adults. I can't wait to see them next month to continue our tradition!

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